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Mechanics of Material
Broader Impact
Material mechanics coupled with other fields (such as magnetics, electro-chemistry) is one of the most fundamental fields that need lots of new development in order to fully understand the real material. However, lots of problems prevented the development of this field. Such as a robust and efficient method for the calculation of fluid. And large deformation problems in the field of contact problems.
Award/Funding Source
1. DOE - Department of Environment (DE)
2. NSF - Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environment and Transport Systems (CBET)
Project 1: Transport Mechanism in Graphite Oxide Membrane in Aqueous Solutions

[1]. Janel C., and Qingsong Tu* (Corresponding). "Molecular Dynamics Study of Crosslinked Phthalonitrile Polymers: Effect of Crosslink Density on Thermomechanical Dielectric Properties. Polymers 10 (2018): 64. [PDF]
[2]. Chua Janel, and Qingsong Tu* (Corresponding), et al. "High-Temperature Nanoindentation Size Effect in Fluorite Material" International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2019). [PDF]
[3]. Qingsong Tu, et al. "Magnetic memory signals on surface defect of ferromagnetic specimen under plastic deformation condition." Digital Manufacturing and Automation (ICDMA), 2010 International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2010. [PDF]
[4]. Qing-Song Tu, et al. "Magnetic Memory Testing on Detecting Stress Distribution of Mechanical Components with Weak Ferromagnetism." Advanced Science Letters 12.1 (2012): 73-77. [PDF]

Project 2: Theoretical Mechanics for Multiphase Problems

[1]. Qingsong Tu, and Shaofan Li. "An updated Lagrangian particle hydrodynamics (ULPH) for Newtonian fluids." Journal of Computational Physics 348 (2017): 493-513. [PDF]
[2]. Shi, Chunxiang, Qingsong Tu, Houfu Fan, and Shaofan Li. "An interphase model for effective elastic properties of concrete composites." Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics (2016): 1650005. [PDF]
[3]. Shi, Chunxiang, Qingsong Tu, Carlos AO Rios, and Shaofan Li. "Interphase Models for Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites." Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 6, no. 2 (2016): 04016003. [PDF]
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